As my blog has the name it has, Quilts and concrete, it´s on time I show some concrete. I only cast in summer so what I show here is made last summer. Here is a little "quilt" of tramping stones.
Stora fat , gjutna på baksidan av nysilverfat, hjärtana är gjutna i en plastlampa från IKEA.
More tramping stones, square and round, many have a pattern of a doily. Large dishes casted on the back of silver-plated dishes, the hearts are casted in a plastic lamp from IKEA.
This candleholder is casted in a mould from Ica, it has been herb plants in them.
Jag längtar till juni!
I biggest pot I ever made, with pattern of planton mat( I think)
I am longing for June!
Gillar Dina gjutna "gatstenar"
SvaraRaderaGooglade på betong och hittade hit , fina betong-grejor du gjort :-)
Ha en trevlig helg!